Thursday, June 10, 2021

Digital Etiquette

 Digital etiquette refers to the the correct use of digital platforms and following the rules. Bad netiquette is the inappropriate conduct while online that is found to be impolite and discourteous.

Cat-fishing: Cat-fishing is when a person steals other people’s identity, uses their images and other information and uses it to create an identity and convinces people that that’s who he/she is (The IIE Digital citizenship module manual, 2021).

Cyber-bullying: An act or acts in cyberspace intended to make life unpleasant for another person. It is the use of technology to intimidate, threaten, embarrass and harass other people (Touro University Worldwide,2015) .

Typing in Capital letters: Typing in capital letters in cyberspace means that a person is shouting or yelling at the person that the message is directed to (The IIE Digital citizenship module manual, 2021) .

Using inappropriate language:  Inappropriate language is the use of  words which are found to be very impolite, offensive and a taboo such as swear words (The IIE Digital citizenship module manual, 2021).

Inappropriate Jokes: Making jokes that are considered to be offensive. For example making offensive jokes towards disabled people, racist jokes, sexist jokes or jokes which are degrading towards another person (Touro University, 2015).

Spamming other people: Spamming is the act of sending unwanted messages, images or any other files usually as an act of advertising to a large numbers of internet users (The IIE Digital citizenship module manual, 2021) .

Uploading inappropriate files: Uploading pictures and videos that are adult material or uploading pictures and videos without considering sensitive users of the digital world, this can be considered sharing illegal material (The IIE Digital citizenship module manual, 2021) .

Hacking: Hacking occurs when a person unlawfully gains access to another person’s accounts through computers and smartphones. And according to Eloff (2018) in terms of Electronic Communications Act, anybody who gains access to another person’s data without permission commits a crime which is punishable by law.

Not engaging with others: Users of social media who only broadcast and not interact with others are found to be annoying (The IIE Digital citizenship module manual, 2021).

Flooding: This is when a user of social media communicate and get upset because the receivers do not reply immediately (The IIE Digital citizenship module manual, 2021).


Reference list

Independent Institute of Education .2021. IIE Digital citizenship module manual. 1st ed revised edition 3. Johannesburg. Independent Institute of Education.

Eloff, H. 2018. Hacking leads to jail time in South Africa. Lowvelder , 15 February 2018. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2021].

 Touro University. 2015. Digital Threats: The effects of cyber-bullying , 15 July 2015. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 29 May 2021].




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